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The State of South Dakota allows Juniors and Seniors in South Dakota High Schools to take college courses with WDTC for $50.84 per credit hour. For payment information and due dates visit our Student Account Office page. Payment for Dual Enrollment courses
*WDTC courses are subject course capacities. Students are not guaranteed a spot in a WDTC course and may be waitlisted if courses are full. Applying early is the best way to increase your chances of securing a spot in your desired course.
For Dual Enrollment, students must:
It is the responsibility of the student to contact his/her prospective post-secondary institution and to provide the necessary information, so the institution may determine if the Dual Enrollment credits taken are transferable. Western Dakota Technical College cannot guarantee transferability of credits to any institution, except for the designated Regental General Education courses to the SD Board of Regents Universities. See a list of these courses by clicking the link below.
Designated Regental General Education Courses to the SD Board of Regents Universities will need verification of qualification based on the SD Board of Regents GPA, class rank or ACT/Accuplacer/Smarter Balance testing requirements. ENGL101 requires an 18 English ACT, 263 Writing Accuplacer, or 3 on the Smarter Balance English portion. Please provide either an ACT, Accuplacer, or Smarter Balance score if it is not included on your transcript. Requirements can be found on
WDTC Main Campus and Online courses will follow the WDTC Academic Calendar and may not align with the student’s high school semester schedule. Please take note of start dates and holiday/In-Service breaks, as students will be expected to follow the WDTC academic calendar. All courses held at area high schools will follow high school semester start dates.
View Academic Calendar
Western Dakota Technical College is a Laptop Campus. WDTC does not provide laptops. Students may be expected to bring a laptop to classes at WDTC or have access outside of class.
Students enrolled in Dual Enrollment classes at Western Dakota Technical College must follow all WDTC policies. Students enrolled in Dual Enrollment classes at Western Dakota Technical College will be referred to the Western Dakota Technical College Student Handbook. Attendance policies in individual classes are listed on the class syllabus. Parents do not need to call Western Dakota Technical College to excuse students.
Per SB 142, Students who receive a ‘W’, ‘WF’ or ‘F’ in a Dual Enrollment course lose eligibility for the SD Dual Enrollment Program. To appeal a loss of eligibility, students must submit an appeal five calendar days prior to the start of the semester for which the student is appealing. Please submit the completed paperwork to