Western Dakota Technical College Learn. Do. Now.
We provide on-site tech support for all students, faculty, and staff. Because success comes from a powerful support network. Our Information Services staff is available 7am-4pm M-F at (605) 394-5355. After hours, submit a trouble ticket or leave a message.
Change your password here.
Visit Dell Lenovo
Dell and Lenovo work with Western Dakota Technical College to provide discounts for student laptops for your specific program. They also provide purchasing assistance through the site via phone, email or chat. They also provides technical support for their products once purchased.
As a student at Western Dakota Technical College, you have free access to Microsoft Office365. This includes essential tools such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more, which will be invaluable for your coursework. You can access Microsoft Office365 by logging into https://www.office.com/ with your student email address and password.