Western Dakota Technical College Learn. Do. Now.
Western Dakota Technical College views assessment as a continuous improvement model that demonstrates the complementary activities of teaching, learning, and assessment. Assessment is not a single event, but an evolutionary process that faculty and staff plan, conduct, analyze, and follow-up on.
Western Dakota Technical College has identified four outcomes that all graduates of the college shall possess and refer to these learning outcomes as Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO). ILO’s are on a four-year assessment rotation to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of the outcomes.
Institutional Learning Outcomes
All programs at Western Dakota Technical College have Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) that identify the outcomes graduates from each program shall possess. The Program Learning Outcomes are linked to the Institutional Learning Outcomes to ensure that learning taking place in programs aligns with Institutional Learning Outcomes.
Every course at Western Dakota Technical College has Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) that identify the outcomes students shall possess by completing the coursework. The Course Learning Outcomes are linked to the Program Learning Outcomes through course mapping to ensure that learning taking place in the course aligns with Program Learning Outcomes.
Program Competencies are derived from a program's national or accreditation standards and/or industry skills standards. Program Competencies are linked to courses and are part of the Program Course Map.
The assessment process at Western Dakota Technical College is structured around the academic calendar with planning occurring at the beginning of each semester, and check points built into the second through fourth weeks of the semester to provide feedback. Information and data gained from assessment is incorporated into each program’s unit planning and program review.
WDTC Annual Assessment Process
Speaking Experience |
Event |
Date |
Location |
Gen Ed Speed Dating, What is that? |
Texas Association of Higher Education and Assessment |
Fall 2021 |
San Antonio, Tx |
Creating Sustainable Assessment Through Sustainable Processes and Professional Development | CATYC | Fall 2021 | Kansas City, MO |
HLC Assessment Academy Poster Fair | HLC Annual Conference | Spring 2021 | Virtual |
Creating Sustainable Assessment Through Sustainable Processes and Professional Development | HLC Annual Conference | Spring 2021 | Virtual |
Creating Sustainable Assessment Through Sustainable Processes | Texas Association of Higher Education and Assessment | Fall 2019 | San Antonio, TX |
Creating Sustainable Assessment Through Foundations and Processes | Community College Conference on Learning Assessment (Valencia College) | Spring 2019 | Orlando, FL |
Assessment Coordinator and Instructor - General Education
(605) 718-2984
Admin - D225B
Assessment Coordinator and Program Director - Electrical Trades Autonomous Equipment Technician
(605) 718-4703
Admin - D225A
Vice President for Teaching and Learning
(605) 718-2905
Admin - D220