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Preceptor Training – Student Expectations


The WDTC Paramedic Program students will be expected to:

  • Follow all policies set out in the WDTC Student Handbook and the Paramedic Program Student Handbook
  • Actively participate in the learning process
  • Attend classes and clinicals as scheduled
  • Refrain from attending clinicals when student has an infectious disease
  • Refrain from working overnight the previous night before a scheduled clinical
  • Demonstrate professional behavior in the classroom to instructors, staff, and other students
  • Demonstrate professional behavior at the clinical sites to all patients, visitors, staff members, instructors, and other students
  • Demonstrate a therapeutic relationship with patients
  • Maintain patient confidentiality
  • Practice non-discriminatory behavior in the rendering of patient care as it relates to human rights and dignity of the individual
  • Perform safe and appropriate practices and patient care within the scope of a student paramedic
  • Administer medication only with the permission of the clinical instructor or preceptor
  • Perform procedures only in the presence of the clinical preceptor or instructor
  • Perform true and accurate recordings on patient records
  • Wear appropriate clothing as described in this handbook or as required by clinical agencies
  • Take ultimate responsibility for his/her own learning.
  • Current EMT certification (prior to Paramedic courses)
  • Student must have a cumulative GPA of 80%, as well as 80% on all exams prior to being allowed to enter the clinical phases.
  • Student Status
  • Uniform
    • Below is the uniform as prescribed by the instructional staff of the WDTC Paramedic Program while on clinical rotations:
      • Black service pants
      • WDTC Paramedic Program white uniform shirt with WDTC patches
      • Black leather boots
      • Black belt
      • Student ID, visible
    • Identification
      • When in uniform, students will have in their possession:
        • State issued ID
        • School photo ID, visible – worn on the first left belt loop, waist level

Varied shifts are assigned during the field clinical phase, i.e., days, evenings, and/or weekends.  Students are expected to be present and on time for all of their scheduled field clinical rotations.

Rotations will be scheduled by the Paramedic Program Director or the Clinical Coordinator.


Clinical time requires 100% attendance, but missed time may be rescheduled as long as notification is given in advance.


Notification of any absence must be made to the Paramedic Program Director and/or the Clinical Coordinator as well as the facility where the student will be doing their clinical rotation prior to the absence. Absences and/or tardies without prior notification are not acceptable during clinicals, and any student who exceeds two absences (with prior notification) or who is absent or tardy without making appropriate notifications must meet with the Paramedic Program Director.

A tardy or early exit greater than 30 minutes or missing a clinical day will be counted as an absence for that day. After two absences, the student shall meet with the Paramedic Program Director.

If notification needs to be made after hours, an email message must be sent to the Clinical Coordinator and the Paramedic Program Director. The Clinical Coordinator will then reschedule the rotation. 

Once the student has been scheduled for a rotation, the student is responsible for notifying the clinical facility if they are unable to attend due to an emergency. 


Each student is expected to adhere to the dress code and may not be allowed to participate in clinical sessions if not properly dressed.

  • Student will wear the prescribed uniform. All clothing will be clean and free of wrinkles and stains; shirt will be tucked into trousers for the duration of the clinical rotation.
  • If a facility requires an alternate dress code, students will be notified in advance and will abide by the site’s dress code.
  • Hair to be pulled back and neat. Long hair to be worn up.
  • No scarves, bows, or yarn to be used to secure hair.
  • Make-up should be natural looking and appropriate for daytime.
  • No bracelets, necklaces, broaches, or pins. The only jewelry permitted is a watch and small, non-dangling earrings.
  • No nail polish whatsoever. Nails no longer than the tip of the finger. Nails must be clean. No acrylic nails allowed.
  • All tattoos covered by make-up or clothing. No bandages or adhesive coverings.
  • Male students will not wear any type of earring during any of the scheduled Paramedic clinicals that are part of the curriculum.
  • Male students will be clean shaven while on clinical sites.
  • Excessive perfumes and colognes are not permitted.
  • Anything that could detract from a professional appearance should not be worn.
  • Body piercing adornments will be deemed a safety hazard and will not be worn during clinicals. This includes but is not limited to tongue, lip, nipple, nose, eyebrow hoops, chains, studs or any other.

Not wearing a uniform or appropriate attire will result in the student removing themselves from the clinical rotation until dress code is followed.


Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the professional expectations for paramedics at all times. Students are reminded that they are representatives of the WDTC Paramedic program whenever and wherever they are involved with course-related activities.  Professional conduct is essential to a successful course experience and EMS career.

  • Conduct – The WDTC Code of Conduct will be followed at all times. Clinical Site Agency policies will be followed when in the clinical setting.
    • Language must be appropriate. Professional conduct is expected at all times.
    • WDTC is a tobacco-free campus. Chewing tobacco is not allowed in the classroom or clinical locations. Smoking is not allowed during a clinical rotation in compliance with the clinical facility policies.
    • A therapeutic relationship with patients is expected.
    • Honesty in all communications is required. Integrity in both the classroom and the clinical settings is expected.
    • Dismissal from the program may result in the event of dishonesty, theft, cheating, intoxication, alcohol use, or being under the influence of drugs.
    • Evaluation of professional and ethical behavior by Paramedic program faculty is on-going throughout the semester.
  • Confidentiality is expected at all times in both the classroom and clinical settings. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Information obtained electronically, verbally, and in written format.
    • Students are permitted to access only patient records that are relevant to patients currently under his/her care.
    • Any breaches of confidentiality will be grounds for immediate disciplinary action. Students must sign an agreement, specific to each clinical site, to maintain confidentiality. Any violation of confidentiality including any HIPAA violation such as using patient identifiers in submitted work will be grounds for removal from the Paramedic program.

Social Networking Guidelines – Classmate, faculty, and patient privacy must be maintained in all communications. Social networking is prohibited during clinical rotations.


Honesty and integrity are essential qualities in the profession of paramedics. Lack of integrity in the classroom or clinical setting may result in failing a course or removal from the program.

  • Falsification or forgery of academic documents, applications, clinical evaluations, lab evaluations, etc.
  • Additional areas of concern specific to paramedic include but are not limited to:
    • Covering up or not reporting a clinical error
    • Charting something that was not done
    • Altering any legal documentation




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