Two WDT Certificate Programs Part of SD UpSkill for Spring 2021 Semester

Eligible Dislocated Workers Can Take Specific Programs at Little to No Cost
Western Dakota Technical College is proud to participate in SD UpSkill, a state program to support workers dislocated by COVID-19 .
The South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation (DLR) is now accepting applications from dislocated workers to enroll in occupational skills training available through the UpSkill program at little to no cost at Western Dakota Tech (WDT) in Rapid City, and Lake Area Tech in Watertown, for Spring Semester 2021.
WDT certificate programs offered as part of the program are EMT/Pre-Paramedic and Phlebotomy. Both are 18-credit online programs.
Western Dakota Technical College is proud to participate in SD UpSkill, a state program to support workers dislocated by COVID-19 .
The South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation (DLR) is now accepting applications from dislocated workers to enroll in occupational skills training available through the UpSkill program at little to no cost at Western Dakota Tech (WDT) in Rapid City, and Lake Area Tech in Watertown, for Spring Semester 2021.
WDT certificate programs offered as part of the program are EMT/Pre-Paramedic and Phlebotomy. Both are 18-credit online programs.