WDT Foundation Announces Fulfillment of Fundraising Goal to Assist Students in Need

Partnership with S.D. Community Foundation will Benefit Students for Generations
The Western Dakota Tech (WDT) Foundation is excited to announce that thanks to the generous donations of many, the 80/20 Western Dakota Technical College (WDTC) Student Emergency Fund SOS Campaign has met its fundraising goal of $80,000. This achievement will be matched by an additional $20,000 by the South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF). The $100,000 total will be used to establish an endowment fund to assist WDTC students with emergency needs for perpetuity.
The Western Dakota Tech (WDT) Foundation is excited to announce that thanks to the generous donations of many, the 80/20 Western Dakota Technical College (WDTC) Student Emergency Fund SOS Campaign has met its fundraising goal of $80,000. This achievement will be matched by an additional $20,000 by the South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF). The $100,000 total will be used to establish an endowment fund to assist WDTC students with emergency needs for perpetuity.