The Dean's List begins with South Dakota students and their hometowns followed by additional states and students.
Aberdeen – Fiona Dougherty, Practical Nursing.
Belle Fourche – Micheal Aker, Electrical Trades; Cassie Anderson, Accounting; Ayseluna Hockenbary, Welding and Fabrication; Theresina Seaman, Paramedic; Minda Warns-Bartelt, Registered Nursing; Alena Williamson, Accounting.
Black Hawk – Ethan Eliason, Drafting and Machining Technology; Brett Hamre, Architectural & Engineering Technology.
Box Elder – Lisa Berry, Business and Technology; Haleigh Cisneros, Health Information Management; Joseph Cook, Paramedic; Emily Cupery, Criminal Justice; Raegan Dashner, Surgical Technology; Hayden Grote, Paramedic; Leah Hegel, Registered Nursing; Amy Kjellerson, Practical Nursing; Patrick Leopold, Electrical Trades; Carson Mitchell, Electrical Trades; Zachary Nisen, Welding and Fabrication; Cody Proffit, Electrical Trades; Zachary Raney, Law Enforcement Technology; Tomlyn Toy, Law Enforcement Technology.
Caputa - Carrissa Barrett, Practical Nursing.
Chamberlain - Sawyer Donovan, HVAC/R Technology.
Clark – Brady Jordan, Electrical Trades.
Custer – Nicholas Herman, Diesel Technology - Industrial Maintenance Tech.
Deadwood – Ethan Hess, Construction Technology; Jade Rodiack, Architectural & Engineering Technology; Jachin Ruth, Electrical Trades - Autonomous Equipment Technician.
Ellsworth Air Force Base - Christian Cifuentes, Law Enforcement Technology.
Faith – Kinley Kirkley, Accounting.
Flandreau – Carter Schoeberl, Diesel Technology.
Hermosa - Bailey Bierle, Registered Nursing; Megan Hutcherson, Dual Enrollment.
Hill City - Karlee Howe, Business and Technology; Jessica Johnson, Environmental Engineering Technician.
Hot Springs - Serenity Schell, Dental Assisting; Seth Simunek, Registered Nursing.
Kadoka - Lincoln Koehn, Plumbing Technology; Ryan Shuck, Electrical Trades.
Lead - Chloe Berglund, Welding and Fabrication; Kody Bybee, Automotive Technology; Mason Osowski, Welding and Fabrication; Jackson Srstka, Electrical Trades; Nina Ulloa, Criminal Justice.
Martin - Alora Red Shirt, Criminal Justice.
Mc Laughlin - Kathryn Volk, Business and Technology.
Murdo - Jett Nix, Welding and Fabrication.
Nemo - Tylar Dellit, Practical Nursing.
New Underwood - Kallie Flint, Dental Assisting; Kaylie Scharles, Practical Nursing.
Newell - Jayce Rhoden, Welding and Fabrication.
Piedmont - Marshal Haag, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist; Gabriella Isburg, Practical Nursing; Mariah Martin, Law Enforcement Technology; Richard Mulvaney, Technical Studies; Hannah Robertson, Surgical Technology.
Pierre - Trey Hutchinson, Law Enforcement Technology.
Quinn - Tia Guptill, Architectural & Engineering Technology.
Rapid City - Heather Aldridge, Practical Nursing; Daniel Allard, Law Enforcement Technology; Diego Arguelles, Architectural & Engineering Technology; Ramon Arrufat, Diesel Technology; Seth Asheim, Welding and Fabrication; Lucia Avila, Electrical Trades; Andrew Bennett, Business and Technology; Tucker Benson, Welding and Fabrication; Autumn Berg, Allied Health; Elijah Bice, Law Enforcement Technology; Jayda Bohnenkamp, Dual Enrollment; Gavin Burghard, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist; Catalina Bush, Criminal Justice; Casey Clarke, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist; Dale Cole, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist; Lauren Cole, Practical Nursing; Nicole Cournoyer, Environmental Engineering Technician; Katie Crandall, Dual Enrollment; Michael Crespo, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist; Alysha Day, Medical Laboratory Technician; Camden Dieball, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist; Thomas Diede, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist; Garret Dotson, Dual Enrollment; Emma Easton, Accounting; Halla Easton, Practical Nursing; Esther Fagrey, Architectural & Engineering Technology; William Flueckinger, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist; Samuel Folsom, Environmental Engineering Technician; Tabitha Gibson, Surgical Technology; Andrew Gillespie, Electrical Trades; Danielle Gimpel, Practical Nursing; Sonja Gonzalez, Business and Technology; Jacob Graham, Law Enforcement Technology; Christian Green, Welding and Fabrication; Luke Haase, Welding and Fabrication; Andrew Harmon, Dual Enrollment; Kaitlynn Herman, Dual Enrollment; Kassidy Hopfe, Welding and Fabrication; Andrew Howe, Welding and Fabrication; Gabriel Iversen, Dual Enrollment; Andrew Iverson, Electrical Trades; Rebecca Jones, Electrical Trades; Anna Kenoyer, Practical Nursing; Gaige Kienast, Electrical Trades; Devin Kjellerson, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist; Gage Koehler, Welding and Fabrication; Anthony Kost, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist; Amanda Kruse, Health Information Management; Dominique Laki, Registered Nursing; Ryan Laughlin, Plumbing Technology; Lukas Linn, Business and Technology; Ariel Ludwig, Practical Nursing; Max Maas, Welding and Fabrication; Alexa Maclin, Surgical Technology; Daniel Maldonado, Drafting and Machining Technology; Anna Marcks, Law Enforcement Technology; Adam Max, Architectural & Engineering Technology; Madison Maxwell, Dental Assisting; Collin McCracken, Welding and Fabrication; Breanna Mckenna, Medical Laboratory Technician; Josef Meehan, Dual Enrollment; Ashley Meier, Registered Nursing; Madelyn Meyer, Surgical Technology; Cassandra Morris, Practical Nursing; Kiran Neill, Dual Enrollment; Noah Neuhardt, Law Enforcement Technology; Chloe Oistad, Business and Technology; Amanda Osborn, Practical Nursing; Scott Parmentier, Plumbing Technology; Jordan Powell, Accounting; Mattison Poynter, Business and Technology; Noah Price, Plumbing Technology; Trevor Prins, Law Enforcement Technology; Kailey Quam, Paramedic; Emily Ragains, Dual Enrollment; Pamela RedLeaf, Business and Technology; Ian Richardson, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist; Madison Richardt, Medical Laboratory Technician; Mia Rivera, Practical Nursing; Kaine Roberts, Dual Enrollment; Dominick Rodriguez, Law Enforcement Technology; Adrienne Salamun, Registered Nursing; Lily Scott, Law Enforcement Technology; Erick Shaw, Electrical Trades; Rylan Silbernagel, Automotive Technology; Kayla Stewart, Business and Technology; Benjamin Stout, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist; Landon Suhr, Electrical Trades; Chantal Swenby, Business - Hospitality; Madeline Taylor, Accounting; Mary Taylor, Practical Nursing; Jaqueline Terwilliger, Practical Nursing; Rachael Thompson, Environmental Engineering Technician; Tristan Torres, Electrical Trades; Tegan Tucker, Law Enforcement Technology; Hayden Walter, Law Enforcement Technology; Emma Wiederhoeft, Practical Nursing; Douglas Yellow Boy, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist; Brooklyn Young, Law Enforcement Technology.
Spearfish – Mark Berndt, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist; Logan Bosh, Electrical Trades; Daniel Garcia, Welding and Fabrication; Amanda Gifford, Practical Nursing; Tyler Hopkins, Plumbing Technology; Chloe Lehtola, Surgical Technology; Saul Sanders, Electrical Trades; Nathan Swets, Law Enforcement Technology.
Sturgis - Timothy Burke, Criminal Justice; Walton Ballard, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist; Dylan Christenson, Construction Technology; Tawnee Harrison, Phlebotomy; Grace Heeren, Dual Enrollment; Dawson Johnson, Medical Laboratory Technician; Brady Mckeown, Construction Technology; Faryn Sawyer, Surgical Technology.
Summerset - Carolyn Addy, Allied Health; Andrew Allen, Electrical Trades; Anthony Kitchens, Architectural & Engineering Technology; Scott Valentine, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist.
Columbia – Nathan Wise, Law Enforcement Technology.
Great Falls – Ava Fossen, Practical Nursing.
Alliance – Caitlin Katen, Computer Science-Information Technology Specialist.
North Platte – Joey Richardson, Plumbing Technology.
Hettinger – Oscar Laufer, Diesel Technology.
Hulett - Jax Wyka, Electrical Trades.
Moorcroft - Karson Amos, Electrical Trades.
Western Dakota Technical College (WDTC) was established in 1968 and is the only technical college serving the western South Dakota region.
WDTC offers more than 40 programs in a variety of fields, including Business and Computers, Construction and Manufacturing, Energy and Environmental Technologies, Health Sciences, Legal and Public Services, and Transportation Technologies.
Ninety-nine percent of Western Dakota Technical College's most recent graduates are working, continuing their education, or are enlisted in the military per the WDTC 2023 Placement Report. There were 353 respondents out of 399 graduates surveyed. [*Placement information is derived from graduate surveys, faculty-collected data, placement surveys started six months after graduation, and the South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation. Overall placement rate is figured by: (responding graduates employed, continuing education, or in military service)/(responding graduates who are seeking employment). The number of program graduates are unduplicated by CIP code.]
Western Dakota Technical College faculty, staff, and administration focus their efforts on helping students gain the skills and experiences they need to succeed. Through hands-on learning, internships, and industry partnerships, WDTC students graduate ready to make a real and immediate contribution to their employers and to their communities.
For information about WDTC, call (800) 544-8765 or (605) 718-2565 or send an email to Visit us on the web at