If a lack of finances is a factor keeping you from going to college, there is help available through many Western Dakota Tech scholarship opportunities. In fact, if you are considering a degree in one of 14 specific programs offered at Western Dakota Tech, or one of the three other technical colleges in South Dakota, you could qualify for a full-ride scholarship through the Build Dakota Scholarship Fund.
“We have many great scholarship opportunities available for our students. Build Dakota is a full-ride scholarship opportunity and there are several others for various amounts. We do not want to see these scholarships go unawarded because there were no applicants,” said Aaron Jacobs, Western Dakota Tech Development Director. “Those interested in scholarship opportunities should apply as soon as possible, as the application deadline for all Western Dakota Tech scholarships is March 15.”
The Build Dakota Scholarship was created as a catalyst to solve a shortage of skilled workers in several high-need workforce categories in South Dakota. By providing full-ride scholarships and creating industry partnerships, Build Dakota can get more skilled scholars into the state’s workforce. Build Dakota Scholars receive a free education, businesses gain employees, and South Dakota grows.
In-state and out-of-state students are eligible to apply for Build Dakota Scholarships. Scholarship applicants must be accepted into their program of interest. Recipients of the scholarship must enroll full-time and complete their educational program on schedule. The Build Dakota Scholarship covers tuition and fees, books, equipment and other related program expenses. Scholarship recipients will commit to stay in South Dakota to work in their field of study for three years following graduation.
Students entering the following Western Dakota Tech programs are eligible for Build Dakota Scholarship:
- Computer-Aided Drafting
- Computer Science
- Drafting and Machining Technology
- Electrical Trades
- Environmental Engineering Tech
- HVAC/R Technology
- Medical Lab Tech
- Paramedic
- Practical Nursing
- Precision Machining Technology
- Surgical Technology
- Transportation Tech – Heavy Duty
- Transportation Tech – Light Duty
- Welding and Fabrication
Build Dakota was created as a workforce initiative to fill high-need career positions in South Dakota in late 2014. It began with a $25 million donation from T. Denny Sanford and a $25 million match from the state of South Dakota. The scholarship fund provides full-ride scholarships to students attending Lake Area Technical Institute, Mitchell Technical Institute, Southeast Technical Institute or Western Dakota Technical Institute.
For more information about Build Dakota Fund Scholarships, and additional Western Dakota Tech scholarship opportunities, go to: https://www.wdt.edu/paying-for-school/scholarships, or call Aaron Jacobs, Development Director, at (605) 718-3061 or email him at Aaron.Jacobs@wdt.edu.