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Faculty and Staff Directory

Enrollment Services

Tanya Antijunti

Community Relations Specialist

(605) 718-2971

Education and Credentials

B.S. in Marketing at University of Wyoming  

Jill Elder

Director of Compliance and Financial Aid; Assistant Title IX Coordinator and Disability Services Coordinator

(605) 718-2411
SS - D117

Education and Credentials

B.S. in Business Administration at National American University

NASFAA Return of Title IV Funds Credential

NASFAA Consumer Information Credential

NASFAA Gainful Employment Credential

NASFAA Professional Judgement Credential

NASFAA Direct Loan Credential

NASFAA Verification Credential

NASFAA Administrative Capability Credential

NASFAA Satisfactory Academic Progress Credential

NASFAA Federal Pell Grant Credential

NASFAA Cost of Attendance Credential

Melissa Ginsbach

Director of Program Development/Registrar

(605) 718-2415

Education and Credentials

B.A. in Human Services & Sociology at Black Hills State University
M.A. in Psychology at University of the Rockies
M.A.  in Business Administration at National American University

Gina Kimball

Admissions Specialist

(605) 718-2966

Education and Credentials

B.S. in Education at Black Hills State University

M.A. in Educational Administration at University of South Dakota

Skye Martin

Admissions Specialist

(605) 718 - 2964

Education and Credentials

B.A. in Human Services from Dakota Wesleyan University

Sharon Martin

Assistant Director of Financial Aid

(605) 718-2422
SS - D119

Education and Credentials

NASFAA Return of Title IV Funds Credential

NASFAA Consumer Information Credential

NASFAA Gainful Employment Credential

NASFAA Professional Judgement Credential

NASFAA Direct Loan Credential

NASFAA Verification Credential

NASFAA Administrative Capability Credential

NASFAA Satisfactory Academic Progress Credential

NASFAA Federal Pell Grant Credential

NASFAA Cost of Attendance Credential

Teresa Million

Admissions Specialist

(605) 718-2976

Education and Credentials

Bachelors in English from the University of Idaho
Bachelors in Office Administration from the University of Idaho

Diana Newman

Director of Admissions

(605) 718-2541

Education and Credentials

B.S. in Mathematics at University of Wyoming

M.A. in Education at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Kristy O'Kief

Financial Aid Coordinator

(605) 718-2425
SS - D118

Education and Credentials

B.S., University of NE at Kearney

M.A., University of Phoenix

NASFAA Return of Title IV Funds Credential

NASFAA Gainful Employment Credential

NASFAA Direct Loan Credential

NASFAA Verification Credential

NASFAA Administrative Capability Credential

NASFAA Federal Pell Grant Credential

NASFAA Cost of Attendance Credential

Wanda Roe

Associate Registrar

(605) 718-2963
SS - D132

Education and Credentials

A.A.S. in Business Administration from National American University

B.S. in Business Administration from National American University

M.M. from National American University

Kelli Sander

Administrative Assistant II - Enrollment Services

(605) 718-2400
Front Desk - Enrollment Services

Education and Credentials

B.A. in Education -  Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture

Jessica Weishaar

High School Outreach Specialist

(605) 718-2967

Education and Credentials

B.A. in Biology Education from Black Hills State University

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