Program Director - General Education - Computer Literacy
(605) 718-2930
Education and Credentials
B.S. in Business Administration at Black Hills State University
B.S. in Business Education at Black Hills State University
Ann Murano is the Western Dakota Technical College (WDTC) Computer Literacy Program Director and a computer instructor in the General Education Program. She has been an instructor at WDTC since 1996. Murano taught in the Business Management & Marketing Program for 20 years before moving to the General Education Program.
Murano has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a Computer Programming minor and a Bachelor's degree in Secondary Business Education.
Murano is also very active in the community. As an active P.E.O. member promoting women in education, she is proud that her chapter has awarded $44,000 in scholarships to WDTC students. She also serves on the Abbott House Board of Directors.